Wikipedia Trail: From The Big Lebowski to le Prix Goncourt
The restaurant in Paris where the winner of le Prix Goncourt is chosen every year. |
The Big Lebowski: I watched this movie with my roommates this week, which is why I started with it for my Wikipedia Trail. I'd heard a lot about it before and one of my friends said it was his favorite movie, but I'd never seen it before. I thought it was pretty funny!
Carolee Schneemann: Carolee Schneemann was a performance based artist from Brooklyn. One of the characters in the Big Lebowski is based on her! She taught at several universities and her works are hung in many famous museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art. Carolee Schneemann was inspired by the works of . . .
Simone de Beauvoir: Simone de Beauvoir was a French philosopher and author who died in 1986. She is most famous for her works that have impacted modern feminist thought. Her book "The Second Sex" is most famous, but she has other famous works as well. She was extremely accomplished and won several awards, including . . .
Le Prix Concourt: Le Prix Concourts is a French literary prize. It has been awarded every year since 1903. One fun fact is that the jury that decides who wins has met at the same French restaurant - le Drouant - ever since then!
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